Frank Domizio
Technologist • Marketer • Student
Computer Forensic Examiner at Federal Bureau of Investigation Task Force, Regional Computer Forensics Lab
April 2013 to Present
- Philadelphia Police Officer assigned to the FBI's Philadelphia Regional Computer Forensics Lab (RCFL).
- Currently member of the FBI's Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) and fully qualified computer forensic examiner.
Social and Digital Media Blogger at International Assoiciation of Chiefs of Police
January 2013 to February 2014
- Responsible for crafting unique content on tactics and policy as it pertains to the use of social media in law enforcement.
Social Media Lecturer at several universities and industry conferences
October 2012 to Present
- Lecture on the topics of social media, content strategy and community management
- Taught classes at Chestnut Hill College, Temple University, Drexel University and Saint Joseph's University
- Presented at several conferences across the nation
Social and Digital Media Manager at the Philadelphia Police Department
January 2012 to July 2013
- Administrator of official Philadelphia Police Department Social Media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest).
- Implemented many successful digital marketing efforts including launch of Pinterest account.
- Implemented change in content strategy with the goal of providing useful and actionable information to our followers
- Develop, design and instruct class for new Twitter users.
- Consult with many Police Departments across the country to help them improve their social media strategy.
- Responsible for regular updates to using HTML and CSS.
- Responsible for production of original web content such as Officer and Unit profiles, how-to guides and timely safety and prevention tips.
- Responsible for change in social content strategy that lead to an unprecedented 20% increase in Facebook and over 100% increase in Twitter following.
- Respond to requests for information from television, radio and print media outlets.
- Editing and production of crime surveillance video resulting in more than 100 arrests.
- Proofreading and editing of subordinates’ writing for publication in press releases and on the web.
Instructor at the Philadelphia Police Academy
December 2009 to January 2012
- Responsible for the implementation, coordination, and maintenance of the recruit training curriculum.
- Responsible for production and editing of multiple training videos.
- Top tier computer support technician for Police Academy Technical Support Unit.
- Oversee the design, development and instruction of original classes such as "Pursuits for Supervisors" and "Tracs In-car Violation Software Training"
- Instruct recruit classes on various topics such as Mobile Data Terminal, Police Computing, Social Networking, Microsoft Office, Report Writing and Emergency Vehicle Operations.
Police Corporal at the Philadelphia Police Department Airport Unit
June 2007 to December 2009
- Operations room supervisor.
- Unit training coordinator.
- Department representative, VBIED planning committee.
Police Corporal at the Philadelphia Police Department 1st District
December 2005 to June 2007
- Operations room supervisor.
- Platoon training coordinator.
- Converted personnel training matrix to a computerized system.
Police Officer at the Philadelphia Police Department 4th District
January 1997 to December 2005
- Patrolled assigned area.
- Enforced laws and arrested criminals.
- Original team member, South Division Undercover Prostitution Detail.